& Other Press

Susann Cokal
Profile from Richmond Magazine marking my 2009 Theresa Pollak award (and mysteriously changing the color of my hair as I swim in Richmond's James River)

Susann Cokal

From Style Magazine

On the "And the West Is History" panel at San Jose's Book Group Expo, 2006
Here are links to some interviews, guest blog posts, and the like that I've done ... with writing advice, info about my books, and some general celebrations of literature and art.
Listen to a podcast interview with the delightful Gabriela Pereira of DIY-MFA. We talk about writing through dark times, why I love prologues, how to write from mood, and many, many writing tips.
Interview with JeanBookNerd, 2020: on my very first novel, written at age thirteen, my best date ever, and what's the big idea behind Mermaid Moon.
Interview with Book Hounds, 2020: what's on my nightstand, outlining vs. winging it, inviting dead authors to dinner.
Guest post, Pandora's Books, 2020: how a single page cut from The Kingdom of Little Wounds produced Mermaid Moon.
TTC Books and More, 2020: ten favorite characters from all of my novels, with facts random, fun, and/or true facts about each.
"Mind Meld: What YA Authors Read as Children" (my answer: Rumpelstiltskin, the first story I ever read by myself), 2013.
"Up Front" from the New York Times Book Review, a wee profile featuring my views on artistic life and potential mediocrity, after reviewing a novel by Stacey D'Erasmo.
"Finishing First: Kingdom of Little Wounds," from the Richmond Times-Dispatch: on winning a silver medal in the Printz Award series, 2013.
Also from the Richmond Times-Dispatch: on being one of two Richmond writers winning national awards for Young Adult literature, 2014.
Urge Magazine, on history's quirks and how I wrote Mirabilis and Breath and Bones (the interview starts on page 47)
"Still the Water Creeps In," an interview with RVA online magazine (the title refers to a persistent and maddening leak in the northwest corner of my 1920 house, for which I could never quite discover the cause--just as one has a hard time pinpointing where inspiration lies): August 2, 2011.
Richmond Magazine, in which I am called a sorceress as I receive a Theresa Pollak award for contributing to the arts in Richmond (see left).
Truth Teller Spotlight Interview with Broad Street Magazine--on truth and how to put it into all kind of writing, 2014.
Fredericksburg Literary and Arts Review, an interview about editing Broad Street Magazine, 2014.
"And the West is History," a video panel interview from the San Jose Book Group Expo, in which I discuss Breath and Bones and the legendary Wild West days.
"Richmond's Newest Novels," from Style Magazine--on the publication of Breath and Bones in 2005
"Camp Culture," in which Richmond
Magazine considers me an expert on folklore and summer camp, particularly the tales told around a bonfire, 2013.
Reviews can be found on the books' pages themselves, under the "Books" drop-down menu (appropriately).